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Seminar “Taxation of foreign organizations and representations of foreign legal entities in the Russian Federation”

23 November 2011

The participants of the seminar were the Deputy Director of Department of foreign firms accreditation Yury Ivanovich Chernikov, the Department of accreditation the head expert Alla Viktorovna Golichkova, the “MarkPrior” company Director Olga Viktorovna Maksimova, the RF Ministry of Finance, the RF Federal Tax Service, the Russian Federation Ministry of Economic Development employees, Romania Embassy economic secretary Nikolae Peveluke, the Kingdom of Bahrein Embassy employee Ibrahim Aamer, Republic of Venezuela Embassy employee Luis Trosel, the Russian Federation Tax Service councillor of III rank Alekseeva Alla Petrovna, the Russian and foreign businessmen and mass-media.

The Deputy director of Department of foreign firms accreditation Yury Ivanovich Chernikov began the seminar with welcoming address to those present. He emphasized the importance and necessity of the consulting seminars for foreign organizations and foreign legal entities’ representations in the Russian Federation.

Lecturer Golichkova Alla Viktorovna told the seminar participants about the order of foreign legal entities’ representations accreditation in Russia. She also mentioned that the foreign legal entities branch or representation in Russia can be opened only under the accrediting body sanction.

Lecturer Alekseeva Alla Petrovna, the leading expert in foreign legal entities taxation, explained to the seminar participants the peculiarities of profit tax calculation, the complexity of income qualification, the concept of the actual income addressee and also cases of no profit tax deduction of the organizations from the Russian Federation sources incomes to the foreign organization.

The next lecturer the “MarkPrior” company Director Olga Viktorovna Maksimova answered the complicated questions on calculation and VAT payment by foreign organizations and their representations, the order of the tax sums reference to charges on manufacture and goods (works, services) realization, the VAT compensation, etc. She also explained the concepts of “Tax payers on the VAT” and “the place of realization with a view of the VAT calculation”. Besides, practical advice was given on filling in invoices at the Fiscal Agents’.

The “MarkPrior” company auditor Veselova Olga Sergeevna explained to the audience the peculiarities of foreign representations employees’ payment.

Then the lecturers answered all the questions of the audience. During that discussion the participants exchanged different opinions on the foreign organizations taxation and shared their long-term experience in foreign organizations taxation in the Russian Federation.

An end of the seminar bilateral business meetings of the participants was held.

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