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Mark Prior Business Tax Free
Mark Prior
+7 (495) 781 9214
Other regions
Country: Ukraine
Language: English
FAQ Partners Career Contacts

Other regions

Moscow +7 (495) 781 9214
Yaroslavl +7 (4852) 32 11 65
Irkutsk +7 (3952) 22 22 73
Minsk, Belarus +375 (29) 736 53 62
Guangzhou, China +86 (20) 384 97 637

Businees TaxFree

The concept Business Tax Free itself suggests a widely known opportunity to refund the VAT for the purchases made abroad on the Tax Fee Shopping system. In fact it means the opportunity for the companies to refund the VAT included in noncommercial charges.

If your company uses International MICE activities, business trips, educational programmes, organization of sports and cultural activities abroad regularly then Business Tax Free is for you. You can refund the part of the spent means on the following: rent of premises and exhibition areas, contract works, participation in forums, exhibitions and educational activities, consulting and legal services, using motor transport, accommodation and meals.

From these and other services you can refund from 8 up to 25 % from the sum of charges depending on the VAT rate in a certain country.

Деловитость и похвальная настойчивость, подчеркивающие высокую репутацию
Генеральный директор
ООО «Тяжмашцентр-М» С.Мизунов
Taxe Poids Lourd in France
Business with Japan - Possible Taxation of Imported E-Services
Tax News from Spain - VAT Reform Project
Video news
The Way Tax Free starts working in the RF in 2012
Tourists to enjoy tax free shopping in Russia
TV Interviews on the NTV Channel