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Mark Prior Business Tax Free
Mark Prior
+7 (495) 781 9214
Other regions
Country: Ukraine
Language: English
FAQ Partners Career Contacts

Other regions

Moscow +7 (495) 781 9214
Yaroslavl +7 (4852) 32 11 65
Irkutsk +7 (3952) 22 22 73
Minsk, Belarus +375 (29) 736 53 62
Guangzhou, China +86 (20) 384 97 637

Who we are


Taxes are our main direction. We constantly work at their improvement and development. We do our best to be innovators and pioneers in that direction.

Among the brightest projects regarding return of the VAT with which we can by the right be proud:
There are some VAT refund projects we are proud of. Among them are:

TaxFreeRussia  is a product starting in 2012. With it foreign tourists will get the chance to refund VAT when buying goods in the RF.

BusinessTaxFree is the VAT refund service for the companies often business trips abroad. We have been specializing in it over three years.

BusinessVATFreeChina . In 2011 we started giving the VAT refund opportunity for the Russian companies’ exporters of the goods from China.

Recognition and trust

The used tools and our experts’ unique experience allow not only to solve the given tasks, but also to achieve more than the planned result in the clients’ favour. Their gratitude and loyalty are the main result of our efforts.

Our professional responsibility is insured for 10 mln. rubles in Uralsib insurance company.

Principles of work

In any our relations - whether with our clients, partners or contractors - we stick to the principles of decency, an openness and the responsibility.

На любые вопросы мы получали грамотный и исчерпывающий ответ
Генеральный директор
ООО «Рембранд» Р.Багиров
Taxe Poids Lourd in France
Business with Japan - Possible Taxation of Imported E-Services
Tax News from Spain - VAT Reform Project
Video news
The Way Tax Free starts working in the RF in 2012
Tourists to enjoy tax free shopping in Russia
TV Interviews on the NTV Channel