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Mark Prior Business Tax Free
Mark Prior
+7 (495) 781 9214
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Country: Ukraine
Language: English
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Moscow +7 (495) 781 9214
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MarkPrior 15th anniversary!

14 August 2012

On July 20, 21, the company "MarkPrior" cheerfully, happily and usefully celebrated its 15th anniversary in the glorious city of Yaroslavl.

First day was marked by the session, during which the top management and department heads have summed up the first half in the main areas of the company and also underline the plans and strategy for the remainder of the year and 2013.

On the same day, we visited a fascinating tour of the city and one of the most interesting museums in Yaroslavl - "Music and Time", which shows the amazing private collection of antique phonographs, musical instruments, records and household items - watches, irons and bells.

In the evening, in the restaurant "Meeting" was held a gala dinner and rewarding employees by a vote of all the employees of all MarkPrior offices.

On July 21 were organized a roundtable on "New Legislation 2012-2013" and "Business in China" during which colleagues shared a new and relevant information, discussed the complex and contentious issues, get answers to interesting questions at the appropriate direction.

After that all the employers participated in interesting and vibrant psychological trainings and games, designed to strengthen team spirit and building company communication, which was organized by one of the best specialists of the Yaroslavl region.

At the end of the evening we had a traditional dinner and a stroll along the embankment and in the morning we were again met by Moscow.

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