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Mark Prior Business Tax Free
Mark Prior
+7 (495) 781 9214
Other regions
Country: Ukraine
Language: English
FAQ Partners Career Contacts

Other regions

Moscow +7 (495) 781 9214
Yaroslavl +7 (4852) 32 11 65
Irkutsk +7 (3952) 22 22 73
Minsk, Belarus +375 (29) 736 53 62
Guangzhou, China +86 (20) 384 97 637

Our advantages

We have been working with the VAT for 15 years and know all about it

The third of that period of time we are engaged in the VAT refund from Europe, China and the Customs Union countries. Contacts with the tax departments of other countries are established, and the VAT refund procedures are worked out well.

The advanced partnership and representation network

For the most effective work on the VAT refund project for legal entities from the European countries “MarkPrior” company has representatives in France, Germany and the Great Britain.

VISA Company as our VAT refund partner

For the clients of any Russian or foreign bank that pay the account (the goods, service) by means of commercial bank cards VISA BUSINESS, VISA CORPORATE and VISA PURCHASING, “MarkPrior” company has the privilege on rendering Business Tax Free service: 15 % discount from cost of services on the VAT refund for legal entities from foreign business trips charges.

Our team

“MarkPrior” team are fine professionals in the fields of taxation and international law.

Our experts regularly conduct seminars and read lectures on the VAT refund and also are the authors of expert opinions and publications (articles) for the specialized economic and legal editions.

Tracing the global and Russian tendencies in taxation, participation in conferences on the problems of taxation and modernization of the legislation allow us to keep abreast of the times and meet your requirements.

На любые вопросы мы получали грамотный и исчерпывающий ответ
Генеральный директор
ООО «Рембранд» Р.Багиров
Taxe Poids Lourd in France
Business with Japan - Possible Taxation of Imported E-Services
Tax News from Spain - VAT Reform Project
Video news
The Way Tax Free starts working in the RF in 2012
Tourists to enjoy tax free shopping in Russia
TV Interviews on the NTV Channel